
Simple Green Tips

I remember being given this book when I was a kid. "50 simple things kids can do to save the earth" It's interesting that when we are children we seem to have a understanding of global consciousness. Here are a few simple ways you can go GREEN.

Wouldn't you AGREE that your family can do these simply?

  1. Stop Junk Mail
  2. Snip Six-Pack Rings
  3. Use a Clean Detergent, i.e. a low-phosphate or phosphate-free one.
  4. Aerate Your Faucet
  5. New Ingredients, a combination of strategies to reduce consumption of disposable products in the kitchen or use environmentally benign ones.

Tom Callos the "green" Black Belt

I had a great conversation with Tom Callos yesterday about our ATAg Movement. I look forward to our kick off event in march and the ATAg & Environmental Self Defense projects. More details coming soon. Check out a great interview with him on planet green

Tom Callos is a writer and professional consultant to the martial arts industry. For more than a decade he has been a fixture in the martial arts business industry and his ideas, strategies, and techniques have had a significant impact on the way martial arts are taught around the world.

“Tom Callos is the Thomas Edison of the martial arts world”
--Dave Kovar

ATAg students unite to cleanup communities

ATA Recycle Center

Check out the latest addition to ATA Maryland! Our giant sized recycling bin.

I was inspired by a discussion during our junior leadership class last year to kick start our ATA recycling program. With the help of all of our members we are able to recycle hundreds of bottles each week. Recently ATA world magazine interviewed some of our members for an article on how they recycle at home. We are scheduling a photo shoot to accompany the article and would like your family to be included as well. Email us a brief description of your family's efforts to recycle and keep our earth green!

Also remember that 100 percent of every water bottle sold at ATA maryland is being donated to our clean water fund. Our goal is to raise enough funds to install and maintain a water well in a third world country.

Order your ATA Green Recycle Center by contacting us today!

Mr. Jason Morgan
ATA Martial Arts


Your Family's Green Story

Send us your Going Green story or share with us how you recycle at home or work. We are compiling a book and section of our website to include pictures, videos and stories from our students.

Be part of the 40,000 acts of environmental self defense campaign today!

ATAgreen in ATA World Magazine Summer 2008