
ATA West Chester Students Earn Badges

From ATA Westchester

Go Green Ambassador #1- Max A.

Name: Max A.
Hometown: West Chester, PA
Rank: Green Belt

1. Recycle EVEN more in and out of home

2. Walk to Taekwondo class

3. Turn off fans when not in room

4. Keep stereo unplugged

5. Use a reusable waterbottle

6. Only take 2-5 minute showers

7. Hang clothes to dry outside instead of using dryer

8. Use manure for soil

9. Mow the lawn with a push lawn mower

Go Green Ambassador #2- Christoph G.

Name: Christoph G.
Hometown: Downingtown, PA
Rank: Green Belt

1. Take batteries and old, unused cell phones to places where they can be disposed of safely

2. Carpool when going to school, work or Taekwondo class

3. Keep chargers for handheld electronics unplugged when not in use

4. Turn off water while brushing teeth

5. Go through your neighborhood and pick up trash

6. Turn off lights that are not being used

7. Replace all the standard light bulbs in your home with compact fluorescent ones

8. Replace household cleaners with environmentally friendly cleaners

9. Recycle all paper, glass and plastic products

Submit your School as an ATA Green Location email jason.morgan @ ataonline (dot) com

ATA West Chester Joins ATAGreen Campaign

On Wednesday, September 9, 2009(9-9-09) we celebrated the importance of the number 9 in the Korean culture by inviting special guest instructor and 4th degree black belt Mr. Jason Morgan to teach Leadership class to the Junior and Adult Leadership Team.

Not only did Mr. Morgan give us all a great workout, but he challenged us to follow the ATA A.G.R.E.E. campaign and begin practicing more environmental self-defense outside of ATA. He asked each student to go home and write down 9 specific goals that they can do to help save the environment over the next 9 weeks and then hand it to Miss Boulden or Mr. Jouan.

The first three students to complete the task receive an ATA Go Green! badge as well as an individual post on the ATA Martial Arts of West Chester blog. Keep an eye out for these Go Green ambassadors!
