
ATA West Chester Students Earn Badges

From ATA Westchester

Go Green Ambassador #1- Max A.

Name: Max A.
Hometown: West Chester, PA
Rank: Green Belt

1. Recycle EVEN more in and out of home

2. Walk to Taekwondo class

3. Turn off fans when not in room

4. Keep stereo unplugged

5. Use a reusable waterbottle

6. Only take 2-5 minute showers

7. Hang clothes to dry outside instead of using dryer

8. Use manure for soil

9. Mow the lawn with a push lawn mower

Go Green Ambassador #2- Christoph G.

Name: Christoph G.
Hometown: Downingtown, PA
Rank: Green Belt

1. Take batteries and old, unused cell phones to places where they can be disposed of safely

2. Carpool when going to school, work or Taekwondo class

3. Keep chargers for handheld electronics unplugged when not in use

4. Turn off water while brushing teeth

5. Go through your neighborhood and pick up trash

6. Turn off lights that are not being used

7. Replace all the standard light bulbs in your home with compact fluorescent ones

8. Replace household cleaners with environmentally friendly cleaners

9. Recycle all paper, glass and plastic products

Submit your School as an ATA Green Location email jason.morgan @ ataonline (dot) com

ATA West Chester Joins ATAGreen Campaign

On Wednesday, September 9, 2009(9-9-09) we celebrated the importance of the number 9 in the Korean culture by inviting special guest instructor and 4th degree black belt Mr. Jason Morgan to teach Leadership class to the Junior and Adult Leadership Team.

Not only did Mr. Morgan give us all a great workout, but he challenged us to follow the ATA A.G.R.E.E. campaign and begin practicing more environmental self-defense outside of ATA. He asked each student to go home and write down 9 specific goals that they can do to help save the environment over the next 9 weeks and then hand it to Miss Boulden or Mr. Jouan.

The first three students to complete the task receive an ATA Go Green! badge as well as an individual post on the ATA Martial Arts of West Chester blog. Keep an eye out for these Go Green ambassadors!


ATA World Magazine Article

ATA Green and Recycling was highlighted in the latest edition of the ATA World Magazine.

"Students ata ATA Martial Arts in Golden, Colo., are demonstration that the martial arts are not just about self-defense. They're also about defending the environemnt. Led by their school owner and chief isntructor, Mr. JeffPederson, these young leaders and their families have commited to performing 1,000 acts of "environmental self defense" this year. They're taking all sorts of approaches to reach that goal- from printing double sided documents to buying electric lawn mowers - documenting thier efforts on a special Green Team blog. actiongreenteam.blogspot.com

Pederson's studnets are also using their green awareness to improve thei community. ATA summer camp included a "litter walk" in the schools neighborhood. Students will plant trees all around their school in September. And the Student leadership team is working on adopting a highway in the area.

"Kids hear 'go green go recycle' all the time but they don't always understand how to do it." says Pederson. "Our students feel empowered. And because of their Taekwondo training, they know they can create change."

We're Back....

We're Back..... It has been months since our last ATA Green Post. Back in April I was made an honorary member of another green team the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. (I know how funny it may sound, I'm chuckling even as typing this) But seriously Myself and Mr. Mark Burns spent the entire summer traveling across the country with the TMNT on their 25th anniversary tour.

It was great being able to meet their fans as well as helping to coordinate martial artists to perform along side with their favorite Turtle and for huge crowds. Check out some of the awesome pictures on the ATA Tour blog as well as the official TMNT 25 Site.

This experience allowed me to meet many new Martial Arts instructors and spread the word about our Green Movement. The Response has been great! Families across the country have been very proactive and creating their own community projects and inspiring others to perform acts of environmental self defense. I look forward to receiving updates from all of the new schools on the team as well as personal stories from members. Each of these will get us one step closer to our goal of 40,000 acts of environmental self defense this year.

On another note we are working hard on a full release of our site which will include this blog and many new features.

-Jason Morgan

Earthday Website Award

Today we would like to highlight Action Family ATA.

The staff and students are working hard at spreading the word about the ATAgreen project and have created a school blog to document their students environmental self defense acts (to save paper).

From Actiongreenteam.blogspot.com

What You Can Do

As promised, here’s the list of things our Leadership Students came up with last night in class. Keep track of the things you do at home, school and Taekwondo to help us reach 40,000 Acts of Environmental Self-Defense. If everybody pitches in, we can do it! Have another idea? Send it to us and we’ll post it. So, get started and stay tuned for more…

1. Use a lunchbox instead of a paper bag.
2. Pick-up trash you see lying you see on the ground.
3. Stop using paper plates and Styrofoam cups.
4. Use canvas bags instead of plastic bags.
5. Recycle plastic bags at your local grocery store.
6. Reduce water usage, (Turn off the water while brushing your teeth, take short showers etc.)
7. Reduce electricity usage, (Turn off lights during the day or turns off lights when you are not using them, don’t watch so much TV, unplug cell phone charges when not being used, this wastes alot of energy! Unplug computer chargers at night, etc.)
8. Create compost heaps.
9. Reuse plastic bags or plastic containers.
10. Reduce the use of paper, (Reuse scrap paper for lists or something to write on, print things double sided, reuse kid menus or don’t use them at all, use dry erase boards, etc.)
11. Take aluminum cans to recycle plants.
12. Use water bottles.
13. Plant plants/trees to produce oxygen.
14. Use unwanted shirts as rags or donate them to a church or homeless shelters.15. Use mechanical pencils.
16. Use hand dryers and not paper towel.
17. Save gas (Check tire pressure, walk or ride your bike instead of driving in a car, etc.)

Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day from ATA Green!

What can you do today to help the earth?

Be part of the 40,000 acts of environmental self defense campaign today!

Post a comment below and let us know what you and your family are doing to help the earth.

Example: Reduce: If you buy a bottle of water today. Refill it and Reuse it all day.

Disney's Earth Movie

Disney is running a cool promotion for their Earth documentary. If you buy a ticket for opening weekend (April 22), they'll plant a tree in your name. They're on sale now via Disney's official Earth site,

So get your ATA Team together on Earth Day and take a trip to see this movie!

Green Expo Wilmington Delaware

Check out our ATA green booth at the wilmington Chase Center today at the clear channel green expo. Stop by and meet spider man, Po (kung fu panda) and Mr. Mark Burns and Alexa Rodriguez from the ATA world demo team!

Remember to keep documenting your acts of environmental self defense to help reach our national goal of 40,000 acts by september!



XMA Headquarters Goes GREEN


An Interview with Mr. Mike & Mrs. McKenzie Chat:

ATAg: What is the Green Focus of XMA Headquarters?

Chats: It is our goal to have a "NO WASTE FACILITY" For example: We do not allow themed party plates, cups utensils, etc. We provide re-usable dishware and utensils for all events and parties.

ATAg: Do you provide recycling in site?

Yes we have Recycling Bins next to each trash can, although members are required to bring water bottles. Staff are not allowed to drink bottled water. We also provide a Filtered Water System for refills.

ATAg: You have one of the most "high tech" facilities in the industry what are have your efforts been to keep balance with technology?

Chats: Each of our computers were selected specifically with that in mind. We use Apple Energy Efficient Computers, Dell Energy Smart Enabled Computer Systems & Printers. All of our Lighting except theatrical lighting is energy efficient.

ATAg: I noticed your washrooms are a bit different than the average Gym or Martial arts school and are more like a high end hotel or restaurant.

Chats: We utilize Cotton Hand Towels instead of Paper Towels as well as all of our appliances are Energy Savers including a Energy Saving Washer & Dryer

ATAg: Any advice you can give school owners and instructors on having on going green?

Chats: Recycling is not the answer, try to reduce the number of items that you use and in turn reduce the amount you recycle. It is hard for people to change their habits but if the instructors are committed to their responsibility as role models than we can affect change in the community.

NoHo Arts District
5140 Lankershim Blvd
North Hollywood, CA 91601 USA
Visit www.XMAHq.com

ATA Green in Las Vegas

During ATA nationals Mr. Morgan is
unveiling the details of the ATA Green Program. As we mentioned at belt promotions our school and students will be spearheading the ATA campaign to help the environment.

Here is how you can help!! We are asking each member to perform 5-10 acts of environmental self defense. These can be simple acts such as: conserving energy by unplugging unused electronics at home, checking car tire pressure regularly to ensure better gas mileage, recycling, using reusable shopping bags or picking up trash in a local park. Then document them by writing them down and attaching a picture (they can also be emailed to atamaryland@helloworld.com
Our goal is to have our school perform 1,000 acts of environmental self defense within the next 6 months. 40 schools are signed up to participate in the first wave and in turn we achieve our initial goal of performing 40,000 acts!

10 Simple Things you can do to defend the EARTH

1. Turn off lights, TV and computer when not being used.
2. Don’t let water run continuously when brushing teeth or washing dishes.
3. Reuse scrap paper for lists, notes or crafts, then recycle it.
4. Bring a shopping bag to use when shopping. Recycle used plastic bags at the supermarket.
5. Change a light bulb! Consider using compact florescent bulbs in some locations to save energy.
6. Separate and recycle; paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, aluminum cans.
7. Donate unwanted but wearable clothing to churches and homeless shelters. Use unwearable
clothing for craft projects or rags.
8. Avoid Styrofoam cups. Bring a travel mug, your coffee will stay hotter and taste better.
9. Support your local farmer; buy locally produced food when possible and save tons of energy.
10. Plan a garden. You can grow your own organic food to save energy andmoney.

Simple Green Tips

I remember being given this book when I was a kid. "50 simple things kids can do to save the earth" It's interesting that when we are children we seem to have a understanding of global consciousness. Here are a few simple ways you can go GREEN.

Wouldn't you AGREE that your family can do these simply?

  1. Stop Junk Mail
  2. Snip Six-Pack Rings
  3. Use a Clean Detergent, i.e. a low-phosphate or phosphate-free one.
  4. Aerate Your Faucet
  5. New Ingredients, a combination of strategies to reduce consumption of disposable products in the kitchen or use environmentally benign ones.

Tom Callos the "green" Black Belt

I had a great conversation with Tom Callos yesterday about our ATAg Movement. I look forward to our kick off event in march and the ATAg & Environmental Self Defense projects. More details coming soon. Check out a great interview with him on planet green

Tom Callos is a writer and professional consultant to the martial arts industry. For more than a decade he has been a fixture in the martial arts business industry and his ideas, strategies, and techniques have had a significant impact on the way martial arts are taught around the world.

“Tom Callos is the Thomas Edison of the martial arts world”
--Dave Kovar

ATAg students unite to cleanup communities

ATA Recycle Center

Check out the latest addition to ATA Maryland! Our giant sized recycling bin.

I was inspired by a discussion during our junior leadership class last year to kick start our ATA recycling program. With the help of all of our members we are able to recycle hundreds of bottles each week. Recently ATA world magazine interviewed some of our members for an article on how they recycle at home. We are scheduling a photo shoot to accompany the article and would like your family to be included as well. Email us a brief description of your family's efforts to recycle and keep our earth green!

Also remember that 100 percent of every water bottle sold at ATA maryland is being donated to our clean water fund. Our goal is to raise enough funds to install and maintain a water well in a third world country.

Order your ATA Green Recycle Center by contacting us today!

Mr. Jason Morgan
ATA Martial Arts


Your Family's Green Story

Send us your Going Green story or share with us how you recycle at home or work. We are compiling a book and section of our website to include pictures, videos and stories from our students.

Be part of the 40,000 acts of environmental self defense campaign today!

ATAgreen in ATA World Magazine Summer 2008