ATA Green and Recycling was highlighted in the latest edition of the ATA World Magazine.
"Students ata ATA Martial Arts in Golden, Colo., are demonstration that the martial arts are not just about self-defense. They're also about defending the environemnt. Led by their school owner and chief isntructor, Mr. JeffPederson, these young leaders and their families have commited to performing 1,000 acts of "environmental self defense" this year. They're taking all sorts of approaches to reach that goal- from printing double sided documents to buying electric lawn mowers - documenting thier efforts on a special Green Team blog. actiongreenteam.blogspot.com
Pederson's studnets are also using their green awareness to improve thei community. ATA summer camp included a "litter walk" in the schools neighborhood. Students will plant trees all around their school in September. And the Student leadership team is working on adopting a highway in the area.
"Kids hear 'go green go recycle' all the time but they don't always understand how to do it." says Pederson. "Our students feel empowered. And because of their Taekwondo training, they know they can create change."
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